Allah's | student of 8 JHS Yk instagram : iiftaa twitter : @iftaaaa facebook : Ifta Nurul


My SSCI's Friends

Look! We are cute and beauty, right? Hahahaha :D Siwi, Ifta (me), Hanun, Arum, Diva *from the left*
Ganis, Diva, Hanun, Ifta (me) All of them cute, right? :D Hmm. I would like to tell you about my SSCI's friends :)
1. Her fullname is Ganis Shylvianna. You can call her Ganis. We usually call her Siliiiiit or Bravianna *because she isn't shy but brave :3* She is quite, kind, cute, smart, and friendly. At the picture, dia ada di paling kiri :D
2. Her fullname is Trianita Diva Nugraheni. Her nickname is Diva. But, we usually call her Buffalo or Simbah. She is curious, beauty, kind, cute, and friendly.
3. Her fullname is Arum Setyaningtyas. Her nickname is Arum. We usually call Tot tot. Why? Because, her boyfriend's name is Ferry. Like ship :D She is beauty, kind, friendly, and cute.
4. Her fullname is Amira Hanun. Simple, right? Her nickname is Hanun. I usually call her Item Kecap. I don't know why -_- She is beauty, kind, cute, smart, and friendly.
5. Her fullname is Agesti Siwi P. Her nickname is Siwi. I usually call her Gajah. Because she is fat *jahat* She is quite *sometimes*, cute, friendly, and kind.
6. Her nickname is Citra. She is quite, calm, kind, friendly, cute, and beauty.
7. Her nickaname is Nada. She is quite, calm, kind, friendly, cute, and beauty.
8. Her nickname is Naya. She is quite, calm, kind, friendly, cute, and beauty.
9. Her fullname is Masyah Sechan Salvany. Her nickaname is Salva. She is quite, calm, kind, friendly, cute, and beauty.
10. Her nickname is Lula. She is quite, calm, kind, friendly, cute, and beauty.
11. Her nick name is Alya. She is quite, calm, kind, friendly, cute, and beauty.
12. His fullname is Danu Isnantomo. His nick name is Danu. He is quite, kind, smart, and friendly.
13. His fullname is Yosef Aga Christian. His nickname is Aga. He is quite, kind, smart, and friendly. Sebenernya masih ada anak SSCI, khususnya ruang 20. Tapi karena aku gak ngerti biografi (?) mereka, yasudah -_- Ini doang :3

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